
While I love taking pictures myself, I will talk about places I haven't traveled to (yet) and were not able to photograph myself. Moreover, there are lots of incredibly talented photographers who are much more skilled than I am.

Hence, I use third-party photographs on various places on the websites EarthyMe and EarthyUniversity for destinations I have traveled to and haven't traveled to in person. These images are taken by amateur or professional photographers who share their work for free and license these photographs under Creative Commons or others (e.g. Unsplash, Pixabay).

I think it's a great way to support those who are truly great at and passionate about what they do.

Whenever I can I usually credit the source directly on the page where I use the photo, but that isn't always possible. So, here are all the photographers I haven't credited yet. All images not mentioned here were taken by myself & are owned by me. :)

A big shout out and enormous thank you to all those talented photographers who offer their beautiful photos for free use.


  • Course card 'Hawaiian Islands Formations, Landscapes & Nature': Kālepa Ridge, Nā Pali Coast, Kaua'i, Hawai'i | by Jelle de Gier
  • Newsletter hero image: Neist Point Lighthouse, Glendale, Isle of Skye, Scotland | by Mike Smith
  • Course: 'Mentor Earth' banner image: Star shot Cathedral Valley State Park Nevada, by John Fowler
  • Homepage: Hands with flowers | Lina Trochez via Unsplash
  • On Demand Service banner image: Niagara Falls close up by Vince Veras on Unsplash  
  • EarthyUnversity Card | The Quiraing, Isle of Skye, Scotland | by Bjorn Snelders
  • Newsletter image: Neist Point Lighthouse, Glendale, Isle of Skye, Scotland | by Mike Smith



All from the Youtube Music Library

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